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很沉痛告知陳端勵已於2022年11月6日病逝, 茲定于2022年12月3日上午9:30至12:00時正在世界殯儀館信誠堂舉行告別儀式.



What classmates said about 陳端勵 (HK WhatsApp 培正1959 and Octopus emails)

Starting 11/12/2022


WhatsApp 培正1959

Paul Wu: This is indeed a sad sad news . RIP. 🙏🙏😢😢

Frances Yeung: 請陳太及府上各位,節哀順變,多多保重!

K W Yee: 請陳太及府上各位,節哀順變,多加保重!

陳吳惠蘭: 多謝各位有心.

孫必達: 陳大嫂,驚悉端勵離世消息,不勝傷感。回想童年同窗多年,实在難捨!祝願他一路走好,請大嫂亦節哀顺变。/p>

Captain Ip: 😥陳同學主憶安息!

W T Pang:

陳吳惠蘭: 一切變得太快. 有心!

J T KOO: 這真是晴天霹靂。前一陣聯繫不上以為陳兄去了澳洲睇孫女!願他一路好走。請陳太及府上各位,節哀順變,多多保重!

Captain Ip: 送給己去的同學, 想當年在培正時開心的日子!

Sam Leung 上載一口琴音樂: 這是我們在初中二時代一齊的玩意,惦念着一起走過的日子。端勵擔任是中音任務!(I failed to upload the music here. Webmaster)

麥锡龍: 痛失學友

黃銘賢: 痛失學友!請家人節哀順變!

Paul Wu: RIP 🙏🙏😢😢

Lawrence Wang: 端勵嫂夫人,知道端勵同學離開我們,是非常難過。請嫂夫人節哀順變,保重身體。

Email Octopus

Walter Mok D18: Oh, my God ! What happened? He is one of the nicest classmates I ever know even though we were never in the same class when I was in Pui Ching. He is always kind and generous, treating people with respect, a warm heart, and radiant smiles.
I surely miss him.

李福運 C4: 痛失多年好同學,一路好走,請家人節哀順變。

May Chen A13: Life is short and unpredictable, please take care and “Live your best life!” as I have been told time and time again by a dear friend.

David Zai D33: In remembrance of a dear classmate 陳端勵, photos of November 19, 2014.


group photo group photo group photo group photo group photo


Graduation photos



Fellow classmates,

It is with a heavy heart to announce the passing of our fellow Lighter 黃文階 on October 31. He suffered from kidney failure and finally dialysis was no longer effective. He passed away peacefully with family members by his bedside.

趙崇光 B23

What classmates said about 黃文階 (Octopus emails)

Starting 11/8/2022


Prof. SS Lau: I remember 黃文階 (B20), but have not seen him for some decades. Last time I saw him, it was in HK. So in my mind, he was always a relatively young man.

Did not see him at the 2019 PC alumni meeting to celebrate our 60th graduation anniversary, held at the 小學大樓的礼堂. But saw 呂國枝, 李福運, and 孫必達 among others.

In my memory, 黃文階 was a fun guy, liked to tell jokes and laughed a lot. Now he is gone, left an empty space in my heart.

He died of kidney failure, so did Veg Worm. 各位保重身体. 注意健康.

請聽 弘一大師 - 送別

SS Lau C21

Graduation photos


What classmates said about 張柏立 (HK group chat and Octopus emails)



HK WhatsApp Group Mail:

July 5, 2022

DDS Chang Jr: 家兄 柏立 今午在家安詳離世。

Paul Wu: 節哀順變。🙏🙏🌹🌹

WT Pang: 我們驚聞噩耗,非常悲傷。

Paul Wu: "天之涯,地之角,知交半零落"-----"。 悲從中來,不可斷絕" 。😢😢

Yeung Frances: 致以深切的慰問,請節哀順變!

Leung NS: 一路好走

Paul Wu: https://youtu.be/U8xO3gv0tOo 一路好走。🙏🙏🙇‍♀🙇‍♀🌹🌹😢😢

WT Pang: 一瓢濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒。

Captain Ip: 主懷安息!

CC Tong: 願他一路走好。節哀。他日天國重會。

JT Koo: 驚聞訃報、痛失同窗學友,最近二十年護我牙之神醫。一路好走,節哀順變,主懷安息。

WT Pang: 立即前往 YouTube 觀看這部影片: https://youtu.be/V1yIdpgq8W0

KW Yee: 謹致以深切的慰問,請節哀順變。

Albert (c17) Chan: 願老同學安息主懷,享受永衡的恩典。

Sun Peter: 自小學同窗至今六十餘年,今柏立離世至感悲痛!願他安息主懷。請節哀顺變!

July 5, 2020 Octopus emails

Dear ALL, 家兄 柏立(A39) 於昨天中午,在家中休息時,在床上安然離世. D14

My sincere condolances, I'll miss him. S.K. C36

One less Lighter. My condolence. H.Soo D38

Dear Charles, It is extremely saddened to hear 栢立 has passed. We shall miss him dearly. Please extend our condolences to his family. With deepest sympathy, 鄧國勇+陳遠達.

痛失一位非常善良,值得尊敬的好同學好朋友,及好牙醫。 WT B18

Hi Charles: Sorry to hear that. CC LAI (D30)

Charles, Sorry to hear this, my sincere condolence. Take care Kamsik Ng C11

My sincere condolences to the families. Ben (F1)

卓立, Sorry for your lost. Take care ! Dennis F 34

July 6, 2022 Octopus emails

卓立兄: Sorry to learn that 柏立兄 have left us. Please extend my condolence to his love ones. I suppose as an octogenarian, we have earned the right to depart without prior notice. May he rest in peace. A仔 C15

Charles, So sorry to hear that Pak Lap ( pigeon ) had passed away, I still remembered the joyful time that we stayed together in Room 203 during our studying in National Taiwan Univ. As most of us are in the 80+/-, Pak Lap's case of peaceful passed away was the best condition for him. Please send our sincere condolence to Linda for us, wishing her a speedy recovery. Alec Chan & Shirley ( A 17)

Dear Charles, Our condolence. 節哀順變. Eva D1 and Van

Oh, my god ! How could that happen ? D18. 卓立學兄, I remember your brother 柏立very well. Your loss is also our loss. While he left this world, yet he lives in our memories. ss c21

柏立兄是台大時的室友, 上次在香港 reunion 時還高高興興說及他在非洲有趣的事情. 現他安祥離去. 願上帝祝福他一路好走 Jai Yee A42

Charles, My sincere condolence on 柏立學兄先我們而去. 請代問候嫂夫人. Gina(A7)🌺

July 12, 2020

DDS Sr Family:



痛於公曆2022年7月5日, 壽終於香港律敦治醫院. 享年八十一歲

遺體奉移九龍紅磡萬國殯儀館五樓「慈德堂」設靈治喪, 謹擇公曆2022年7月24日「星期日」下午4:30至9:30設靈堂守夜。 翌日7月25日「星期一」上午9:00大殮儀式,10:00辭靈出殯。靈柩奉移九龍鑽石山火葬場進行火葬禮。


孝妻 陳麗瓊
孝男 張熙浚
子婿 張巍巍
孝女 張熙汶率男 張育堃
孝女 張熙洛

Captain Ip: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=7ggAmvBpHIk&feature=share 張醫生一路好走! I am coming, l am coming. To the better land I known.


Graduation photos


What classmates said about 周時雍 (HK group chat and Octopus emails)



HK WhatsApp Group Mail:

WT Pang: 剛從美國傳來周時雍校長離世。 聞悪訉心傷,願阿雍得安息。

JT Koo: 我以為周校長住在九龍。在培正時我唔識佢。 香港時,每處集餐佢帶靚酒來捭大家飲。佢自己飲啤酒。 早前陸志中捭我半瓶Scotch話佢自己唔飲的. 我帶去學校年會。周校長逼我同佢飲散。這是我在香港二十多年最酒醉一次。又有一次食飯佢同我對飲。佢返屋時跌落地下。醒來瞓在街邊。我同佢講以後我哋唔可咁飲。應適可而止。這後我不坐在佢隔離。而家又失一酒友。 原佢一路走好。

4 classmates

Capt. Ip: 酒友一路好走!四人一半己去;大家好好珍惜!願周校長一路好走!

Key Wai Yee: 願周校長一路好走!

Paul Wu: 周校長平易近人,與世無爭。一路好走。🙏🙏🌹🌹

WT Pang: 立即前往 YouTube 觀看這部影片:

Paul Wu: 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落,一壼濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒。🙏🙏🙇‍♀🙇‍♀

Albert Chan: 願周時雍校長/社友RIP!

Frances Yeung: 願周校長一路好走!🙏🙏

Peter Sun: 深切悼念阿雍同學,願你一路好走。


Octopus Group Gmail:

蘇瑞荣: 同李貴堯通信得知周校長去世,可否查一下 情況如何.或者由 James Koo 寫入社刊.好難又少一友. 蘇瑞荣上.

Wlater Mok: Very Sad.

Webmaster (James Koo): Since my sickness a year ago March, I averaged less than a glass wine a week. Today, cannot help downed two glasses red wine trying to cheer myslef up and imagine 周時雍校長 is drinking with me as in the happier times. Like Captain Ip said, "而家又失一酒友。" or Walter Mok, "Very Sad."


Graduation photos



I like to say something about Man Tuen Chan 陳文端

Harold Soo D38


We went to San Jose State together and he studied Electrical Engineering. After getting an M.S. degree he started working at Bechtel Corporation in Computer Department until retirement.

His father was the 校務縂監 at Pui Ching during our time. His elder brother Man Bun Chan 陳文杉 was studying at Chung Chi College ( before the CUHK), and befriended an American exchange student who asked if he would like to study in the U.S.? So, he was admitted to Stanford for MBA. He held later management positions at some major corporations, which in the old days was pretty rare for a Chinese., In fact, the whole next generation family followed to Stanford.

I met him again during the Florida re-union and his Korean Chinese wife. After all the years he still had little respect for me when we met last, as he thought I was a screw ball.

Gerard Lam knows more about him as they lived close to each other.

Let peace and love come to my youth friend.



Web master: "he thought I was a screw ball." Harold, look at the good side. It is better than he never thought about you.


Graduation photos


In loving memory of Ophelia Chow Kwun-wai (D12)

Toronto Lighters

After fighting cancer for almost a year, Ophelia left us peacefully on November 4, 2017; surrounded by family at her bedside.

Ophelia was a tough fighter. She had no fear of the cancer. During her illness when out of town Lighters visited Toronto, she still tried hard and managed to come out and meet them.

Her funeral was attended by many friends and relatives. Toronto Lighters also attended. Out of town Lighters sent flowers. She was
buried at the Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery Toronto. It rained during the burial. Looks like the Guy up there also shed tears for her.

Ophelia was a devoted Catholic; and a kind, dedicated, hard-working and cheerful lady. We will always remember you, Ophelia.


Attached picture is taken on June 23, 2017 when Joshua Hung visited Toronto.
From left, Alice Leung (Kwun Leung’s (C7) wife), Kevin Wong (Ophelia’s husband), Ophelia and Joshua Hung (A2)

Photo with Ophelia


Graduation photos