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2019 Reunion China Tour Survey

This survey is for China tour only. Please select one of the following tours.

The "old" proposed 10 day China land and river cruise tour:

11/3 香港 → 杭州 → 11/4 烏鎮 → 11/5 蘇州 → 11/6 上海 高鐵 (High Speed Rail) → 11/7 武漢 → 11/8 宜昌 boarding the ship (長江三峽遊) → 11/12 重慶 disembark the ship → 香港

The new 10 day Yangtze River cruise:

11/3 HK 香港 → Shanghai 上海 boarding the ship (21:00) → 11/4 Taizhou 台州 → 11/5 Chizhou 池州 Anhui → 11/6 Jiujiang 九江 → 11/7 Wuhan 武汉 → 11/8 Jingzhou 荆州 → 11/9 Yichang 宜昌 → 11/10 Wushan County 巫山县 → 11/11 Zhongxian County 忠縣 → 11/12 Chongqing 重慶 disembark the ship 8:30 AM → HK 香港

There will be excursion trip on each port of call. You may stay on the ship if you wish.


Please respond the survey by Jan. 5, 2019.

Looking forward to seeing you in 2019!

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