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有一天莊子夢見自己是一隻蝴蝶,他拍一拍翅膀,果然飛起來了,他好開心喔!這時候根本就忘了自己是莊周。過了不久他醒過來了,才驚覺到原來 是一場夢!究竟是莊周做夢變成蝴蝶呢?還是蝴蝶做夢變成了莊周呢?

Tzoang Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, once dreamed of himself becoming a butterfly fluttering in the sky. But is it Tzoang Tzu dreaming to become a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming to become Tzoang Tzu?
---end of quote from the web---

This story of " Dreams of Tzoang Tzu" we learned a long time as school children. The idea is to question
" what is reality and what is imagined ".

Or as well said in
" Dream of the Red Chamber" that " 假作真時, 真亦假" .

Ladies and gentlemen,
Please do not worry, I have not gone nuts yet. I am not writing about Chinese philosophy here, nothing serious and deadly at all.

I am merely referring to an interesting movie " Inception", a movie that is essentially a mind game of the third degree.


How so ? Well, the movie is about a dream within a dream, and that dream is also within a dream, i.e., three layers of dreams.

Now let us say that Tzoang Tzu dreams to be a butterfly, which dreams to be Tzoang Tzu. In the third layer dream, the Tzoang Tzu in the second layer dream dreams to be a butterfly again

Complicated ? yes, very. But this is only the beginning of the plot.

Time Magazines writes " Inception is like the coolest, toughest final exam... ".
The challenge is really figuring out the plots/riddles of the movie , and what is real and what is in the dream. Remember there are 3-layers of dreams plus reality to deal with.

At the end of the movie, there is no penalty in failing the final exam, no "F" grades will be given.
The only caveat is " when you walk out of the theater, and see bright lights, you might NOT know if you are you, or you are in the dream of a monkey head dreaming to be you."

Hahaha, enough of the nonsense.

In the movie, one of the two female characters is played by Marion Cotillard, a French actress, who won the best actress Oscar in 2007, for her portray of Edith Piaf in " La Vie En Rose ".

The theme song of " Inception" ?
Yes, you guessed it . It is " Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien".

Piaf's rendition of this song " Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien" ( No, I don't regret anything) is attached here for your listening pleasure.

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien.MP3:




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