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Revolution, Evolution, Changes Within the System and Status Quo

Danny Yeung (D32)

When our bodies are well, regular exercises and good diet would improve our health. When our bodies are inflicted with severe ailments such as cancer, drastic measures of chemotherapy and surgery are the only remedies.

When technologies reach their limits, disruptive technologies will take over. For example: big-iron-mainframe computers had been displaced by desktop computers; Cloud computing is emerging as the threat to desktop computing.

When companies make only incremental changes within their systems, they will eventually disappear. For example: CDC, Burroughs, Wang Lab, Digital Equipments, Sun Microsystems all had vanished. Even IBM was at the brink of becoming irrelevant, but for bringing in an outsider to run the company and changed business directions to services and software.

When governments/countries that ignore the common people's daily needs and maintain the status quote practices of suppression and corruptions, they will eventually fall. Recently social media help ushering in Arab Spring.

On October 1, 1949 when Chairman Mao announced to the world: ' The Chinese people have stood up', how many of us believed in him? At that time, many of us and our families went through major disruptions and probably were sad and mad to see what had happened. Nowadays, I have read many emails from you touting the achievements of China and displaying Chinese pride effusively.

Mao, Deng, Chow, Liu and Chu were all middle-class intellects. They were all labeled as leftist by definition. (We label any one that raises hell with the system leftist. So it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.) Funny thing is Deng was also labelled as a right-wing counter revolutionist a couple of times.

May be one day, the poor Chinese farmers will gain access to cell phones, Internet and social media. They will organize themselves with the help of students to voice their discontents. They will definitely be labeled as crazy rightist.

Grass-root movements by definition are not well organized and lack of disciplines. Their actions and intents are to raise the public consciousness of burning issues. The Democratic Marches in Hong Kong to remember the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protest, may not seem to have a plan of action but serve as a reminder of the 1989 protest to demand continued economic reform and liberalization. The Occupy Movement raised the 99-1 as a major 2012 election issue. It is up to us to act by participating in the democratic process of election.

The opions and vewpoints expressed here are that of the Author, but not of Lighters or this Website.


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