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Let us Talk


Walter Mok D18

序 by James Koo A40

Wlater Mok recently sent this article to SF Bay Area Lighters. I really enjoyed it and suggeted he submitting it to Lighter's website. The high schools in Shanghai taught ideological writings in 國語課 until 高一. Came to HK after finishing 高一, my education in classic Chinese is very limited and especially enjoy this article.

轉載, 作者不詳
A message from the loved one.

子言慕雨,啓傘避之。…… 在這個人人學英語的時代,大家似乎都快忘了,我們的中文有多美,多強大!這裡有一段英文的詩歌,有人用中文翻譯了一下,結果所有人都驚呆了!全世界都服了!不信?你看看...


You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains...
You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines...
You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows...
This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too...


你說你喜歡雨, 但是下雨的時候你卻撐開了傘;
你說你喜歡陽光, 但當陽光播撒的時候, 你卻躲在陰涼之地;
你說你喜歡風, 但清風撲面的時候, 你卻關上了窗戶。






戀雨偏打傘, 愛陽卻遮涼。
風來掩窗扉, 葉公驚龍王。
片言只語短, 相思繾綣長。
郎君說愛我, 不敢細思量。




江南三月雨微茫, 羅傘輕撐細細香。
日送微醺如夢寐, 身依濃翠趁蔭涼。
忽聞風籟傳朱閣, 輕蹙蛾眉鎖碧窗。
一片相思君莫解, 錦池只恐散鴛鴦。

不知道這世界上是否還有第二種語言能像中文這樣,擁有如此美的韻律,豐富的表現形式! 在這個狂躁跟風的時代,我們是否可以停下腳步,靜下心來,欣賞一下我們自己的語言文化,品味一下中文帶給我們的不一樣的感動呢?!



Kamsik Ng C11


能文能武莫耀華      亦詩亦詞賴長珅
法界鐵民警乃森      政壇子敬商德仁
郭端開創光社網      紹偉引進八達通
時敏組合谷歌會      言留千古光社網
信傳環宇八達通      相見談笑谷歌會
同學通訊梅韻韶      回港訪友彭煥棠
出外旅行莫燕秋      飲食調理林秀靈
毓强長聯顺佳書      填詞社歌盧定澄
廣惠讓賢陸志中      志中禪位彭煥棠
垂供而治數十年      社友皆喜得君賢
大海航行枼國平      甲子回歸周起敏
義助院內退休人      娱樂交通在一身
剝光鬧劇實難忘      珍珠月亮無覓處
文疋粉刷今何在      全班留堂義氣重
聖經考卷上下傳      陳澎飛機願成真
三友公司課堂始      商界運作少年時
近水樓台先得月      同窗八人紅繩結
胸懷大志立名時      利廣濟林一人持
訪客作東謝玉峰      遠來東道雷時聰
牙痛當思張卓立      胃口開時念國勇
百花齊放共享榮      紅藍精神見真情
千年修來同窗聚      福緣得來實不輕



Lunch in the Park with CLASS

James Koo


A week ago, Kamsik arranged a "Bring your own sandwich in a park" for a lunch get together in Sunnyvale, Ca. Walter Mok told me he is only available on Tuesday. So I called him this Monday and he said they wull come. He further told me that Amanda will prepare an Italian dish Frittata, along with Italian carbonated water, Itilian coffee, tea, served with real silver, glasses, plates on a table cloth.

I quickly tried to ask other Lighters to join us. Alas, nobody can come with such short notice. I was able to invite a past colleague of mine and Winnie cancelled his ballet class to come. We all had a good time, and my large sandwich for 4 was untouched.

Whatever Walter does, he does with CLASS. We all said it is difficult to be his better half. Hope he will do that again in the future and more classmate can enjoy the lunch in the park with CLASS.

All 5 of us at park   Winnie and Jim Jim, Winnie, Amanda, and Kenyon   Amanda, Winnie, Walter, and Kenyon