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Let us Talk

Lunch in the Park with CLASS

James Koo


A week ago, Kamsik arranged a "Bring your own sandwich in a park" for a lunch get together in Sunnyvale, Ca. Walter Mok told me he is only available on Tuesday. So I called him this Monday and he said they wull come. He further told me that Amanda will prepare an Italian dish Frittata, along with Italian carbonated water, Itilian coffee, tea, served with real silver, glasses, plates on a table cloth.

I quickly tried to ask other Lighters to join us. Alas, nobody can come with such short notice. I was able to invite a past colleague of mine and Winnie cancelled his ballet class to come. We all had a good time, and my large sandwich for 4 was untouched.

Whatever Walter does, he does with CLASS. We all said it is difficult to be his better half. Hope he will do that again in the future and more classmate can enjoy the lunch in the park with CLASS.

All 5 of us at park   Winnie and Jim Jim, Winnie, Amanda, and Kenyon   Amanda, Winnie, Walter, and Kenyon



James Koo


Wish all of us a Healthy, Happy 2021.

During the Shelter in-place order of Corvid19 in SF Bayarea, I tried to walk about 3 miles a day with mask. For upper body exercise, tried an indoor "7 mininute exercise program" including jumping jacks. My scietica pain soon returned. For a couple days, I can hardly get out the bed.

Reading Kamsik's email suggestion, I got a set of back stretcher kit including a Pullup bar, swimming pool noodles, and garden drip system tubings from him (Fig.1 and 2). It really works wonders. I am amazed . My pain went away less than a week although I modifed his invention by adding two "arm rests" to reduce the pressure pain under the armpits (Fig. 3 and 4).

Found with the pullup bar, one can do pushups, situps, and dips for exercising the upper body. To my amazement, I cannot even do one pullup. In 5th and 6th grades, climbing rope daily, I could pull myself up with one arm at a time with my feet dangling free.

With a scale on a stool, step on it to help the pullup, it measures the assist needed. Doing twice daily, 12 pullups each time, after a week or so, have reduced the assist from 40 lbs to 20 lbs. The goal is 0 lbs.

For pushups, now I can only do that with the knees on the floor instead of the toes (another amazement?).

As part of the deal, promised Kamsik will promote his inexpensive amazing backstretcher in China to help people there. Have uploaded this device description on HK Alumni Association of my Shanghai high school website. At least one classmate in Shanghai has shown interest. Underatnad Kamsik is pleased. Helping people, one person at a time.

Again, stay safe, stay healthy, stay home and see you at the next reunion in late 2021 (?).

Kimsik demo back stretch set   back stretch set modifed set   Jim Koo demo back stretch set



吳錦錫 C11


培正求學時,何曾奢想畢業六十年後,再來一個你愛談天我愛笑之聚會? 然這恩典已實實在在的降臨在我們身上。在籌備會多年努力之下, 慶典在二零一九年十一月四日在香港舉辦迎歡會。由顧德仁同學主持。重逢之喜, 洋溢會中。惜德仁君要照顧他“更好的一半”, 未能赴會。人如其名: “顧得人唔顧得自己”!

翌晨飛武漢,社長事忙,未能赴會。送夫人至機場後,即到同學聚合處閱兵, 解決機票問題且尋回在別處等候之同學,一众方能順利起行.

暢遊武漢二日後往荊州,或對武漢(冇漢)二字有所感觸,彭夫人電致香港。社長即飛武漢,並以”千元的士”在荊州晚膳前追及。夫婦深情, 羨煞众人.


次日早上,乘小艇往神女溪。導遊介紹巫山風土人情,並推薦巫山首烏。謂市上首烏無效,只有巫山三百年雌雄互抱首烏,再經九蒸九晒者,方有效。對此曠世奇珍,難免心動。昔囊中只有二千元,難與行囊腫脹之社長競投。回程時,導遊展示八盒,謂船中二十多人,只有先到先得。我即蓄勢待發。只見社長,氣静神閒,亳不緊張, 恐其有詐。我唯採彼不動,我不動之策。同門學技, 功力修維, 相差若此, 授業恩師, 定有私心. 小艇泊岸,社長離船,閒庭信步。我亦步亦趨,以免有失。回頭但見小艇回航, 方知忘卻採購。失此瑰寶, 社長之過.

巫山十二峰,驟看之下,似曾相識。細思之下,似加州之有色美地(Yosemite)。唯山更巍峨,水更深廣。與二十年前大不相同。二十年間高峽出平湖,世事滄桑; 然光社情誼,三個二十年不變。難能可貴,豈可不以自豪?

楊柳青青江水平,聞郎江上唱歌聲; 東邊日出西邊雨,道是無晴还有晴。懷春少女, 情懷之作, 却以沉雄男聲, 莊嚴讀出,大煞風景.

回船後,啟航重慶。日間泊石宝寨。昔為一在高山之匪寨; 水位高百公尺後,成長江中之盆栽。寨中有十一層高塔,同學多能登上。遙想十年後,若能再與同學在此談天說地,不亦樂乎? 若盡購巫山首烏,分予同學,彼時相見,青絲勝雪,我當為光社一大功臣.

重慶上岸, 顧德仁同學在此分道揚鑣,回港照顧更好的一半。續往大足石窟遊覽。次日往觀大禮堂及人民解放紀念碑,並購買土持產。邵秋君同學, 亦如往昔,每次停車必購買地道零食予各同學,以增遊興。更有莫耀華同學提出参觀陳納德飛虎隊紀念館,使我們對二次大戰期內中美聯合抗日有更深之認識。至此:

朝辭山城大霧間   三峽暢遊今日還   港中纷亂仍不绝   飛舟已臨大嶼山




Pat Wong C15

HK Lighter Lunch 6/25/2018

Sam Leung

時維2018年五月廾五日星期五,謝玉峰君相約旅港光社同學午餐小敘.未到十二時,一班老饕己經先後來到'江順河鮮';佔據有利位置,居高臨下,俯瞰尖沙咀的新地貌.或三三兩雨, 互訴哀曲,祝報平安

開席前,謝君道出自上回畢業五十五年敘會后,舊地重遊,倍覺臮同學親切友愛,各人皆精神飽滿,紅光滿面.必定是深得養生之道,並且起居有序.此外黃太也向同學們佈告黃瀚繹近況.顧德仁除了現場攝錄之外,並且匯佈 Reunion 2019 的籌m備會進度


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Team work, Dec. 2nd 2017, Florida

Walter Mok D18

If your are interested in the Florida trip pictures, please indicate your preference and give support to the publication.

Octo is a companion to some of our lonely soul. keep it friendly.

Summer is here. It is greening every where. Roses are blooming. Beautifies fluttered around, flying from plant to plant. Sometimes it just rests on the leave. Close your eyes and listen to the chipping from many different kinds of birds. Nature is calling. Humans affairs are far away.

Drop by to join me for a Saturday brunch. Let us talk about heart warming and beautiful stories and philosophy of life.

I moaned about Anthony Boudin’s death. Those who had plenty may find life empty. Boudin brought humanity to traveling.

Have fun, be high in spirit. This is the summer of your life.

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Wishing You a Happy and Healthy Chinese New Year of Rooster!

James Koo A40 1/25/2017

On Jan. 9, 2017, Winnie had a brain surgery at UCSF medical center. The operation was very successful. She recuperates at our San Francisco apartment to be close the hospital. After about a week, she started to walk around and except a splitting headache that lasted for a week or so, she began to return to normal. Her old problem disappeared with no observable complications or side effects. Her doctor said she is doing better than expected.

She had the trigeminal neuralgia (TN), a painful disorder that is more excruciating than child birth. Those with TN are like living in hell. Many have committed suicide because TN. The wife of a friend of mine would scream and roll on the floor when the attack happens. She has visited Beijing for acupuncture for over 10 years without lasting success. But she does not wish to risk the surgery.

Time goes on, the efficacy of the medication begin to wane. Increased side effects of dizziness, loss of memory and balance impacted her daily life and especially her ability of ballet dancing. Winnie prefers to live a quality life and decided to have the surgery that involves an incision about 3” long into her skull behind her right ear, and with a titanium patch to cover the hole afterwards. The neurosurgeon at UCSF, purportedly #2 in US, told her this is a “routine” operation as he does this many times a week.

The night before, while she slept soundly, I stayed awake all night long reminisced the good times we had for the past 47 years or so. I listened to her familiar slight snoring, reached across holing her hand as the very first time, and my arm felt the warmth of her body. Suddenly felt I have been very fortunate and hoped it will last. We got up 4 AM for the 6:30 check in and I did not sleep a wink.

Both our daughter and son came to the hospital for her operation. But when the resident doctor read Winnie and me the possible downsides, Winnie, fully prepared including consulted the lawyer about our wills, turned a little pale. She clutched my hand tight, and after a second or two, chose to go on. I, not a very religious person, felt hlepless and said a litle prayer to God for his mercy.

My daughter Jackie, an MD, cancelled all her appointments came to wait in the hospital cafeteria drinking coffee with me. When the neurosurgeon told us the 5+ hour operation went smoothly and successfully, I suddenly felt very tired but relieved. With all the arguments, and conflicts we had, I felt we have a tight knit family and am very lucky; something you cannot buy or do to get it. I counted my blessings and thanked God.

For those knew beforehand and gave us their best wishes, we thank you all. Please do not call or send flowers as she needs the rest and is allergic to the scent (or pollen?) of the flowers.

After the surgery, her doctor told her that was a major operation and advised her to stay close to the hospital for the next two months. I have delayed my flight to accompy her back to HK.

Wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Chinese New Year of the Rooster and many more years to come!


陳端勵 C17, 梁乃森 A22, 彭煥棠 B18, 顧德仁 A40

第一部: 感恩晚宴
第二部: 談往事
第三部: 彭社長煥棠賀辭
第四部: 麥克阿瑟禱文
第五部: 慶典留記




2016年7月16日(星期六)當日藍天白雲,天朗氣清,正是葉國平船長曁夫人 陳玲美(Capt. Peter K.P. Ip & Ada)舆眾分享[情比金堅]成果之晚宴大日子. 地點席設於跑馬地香港賽馬會會所"青雲閣". 下午六時酒會開始招待 各位賓客,七時十五分來賓魚貫進入晚宴大廳,八時正感恩晚讌正式開始, 讌開十二席.

主人家,長次女,女婿們和孫兒輩拱照出一幀和諧幸福的寫照. 晚宴安排 和司儀由幼女兒Susan Ip担任. 她掌握着全塲氣氛,駕輕就熟,恰到好處.


席間两位女孫兒以管絃樂器奏出美妙的樂章,使晚宴錦上添花,生色不少. 不可或缺,當然是主角葉兄和夫人的演講,方知他們家族五代均崇拜基督, 並且得蒙天父的恩賜. 因此在結婚五十年也如過往般加入關愛弱勢社羣 的需要,將禮金悉數捐贈深水埗崇真堂.

更悉葉兄剛出道不久即被領港會迅速羅致旗下. 因長袖善舞,生財有道, 令生意更上層樓,業績歷見新高,行内同儕盡皆稱慶,在領港業界穩居領導 地位.

是日光社同學曁家屬獲邀参與此盛會者凡廾四位之多. 名單是: 彭煥棠夫婦,梁乃森,林發有夫婦,張寶榮夫婦,顧德仁夫婦,張卓立夫婦和陳端勵夫婦,周時雍,賴長坤夫婦,謝順佳夫婦,黄宇楷和Corina,張柏立夫婦和李文龍夫婦.





陳端勵記述 (7/2016)




猶記59年深秋一個光社同學惜別派對中,情塲浪子對一位舉止優雅來自北京 的姑娘深深的着了迷. 再經過陶醉在花都夜總會奏出那柔揚步韻和冧歌漫舞 中,玉女也開始迷失了方向. 在動人的旋律下諦造了金童玉女的愛情起步點.

金童為了獨樹新幟,並且得到玉女的允諾,毅然放下父業踏上了漫長的航海生 涯---再也不是店子少東的身段,其中苦痛和悲哀固非筆墨所能形容. 僥倖得到達仁幼稚園校長大力支持,崎嶇道路才微見曙光. 玉女卒於首肯下嫁"看牛郎."

玲美乃將門之後,家中長女,身邊傭人多過家庭成員,那會用得着燒水和治理家 務. 許多光社社嫂知之甚詳,何用多言. 但玉女一直克盡婦道,融入葉家. 相信最吃重的要算葉國平在理工大學就讀那三年全日制航海學位的時間,老兄 忙著上學和考試. 因此玲美的担子可不輕呵! 事無大少都是力撑半邊天. 那時他們都是家居旺角,每次見面均談不上三言两語也得匆匆告別.

昔日田徑場上拼搏精神養成他永不言敗的性格. "跑道上只有一個冠軍"是他的座右銘. 擇善固執果真轉瞬間使他巳身居船長要職,並隨即加入了領港會. 工作認真的國平兄,做事一絲不苟,所以特別忙碌. 雖然閒暇時亦好杯中物,但更 愛一双掌上明珠和妻子. 有空閒必陪伴她們,捕捉快樂時光以補償聚少離多的 遺憾,更洗盡昔日不羈之風;閒來下厨玩藝,減少愛妻家務之辛勞.

九零年代從有關業務之友人閒談中得知,我們的同學已經是香港開埠以來之首 批由華人出任的領港會合伙人,更為多屆之執行董事. 成功男仕背後,必定有一位默默耕耘的家中女強者,這也是一回見證吧!

梁乃森記述 (7/2016)



培正光社社長 彭煥棠題



培正光社社長   彭煥棠題



General MacArthurs Prayer



Ada and Captain Ip are Winnie and my 酒肉朋友.  We never met at Pui Ching.  After moving back to HK, by chance, we had a drink together and found both of us enjoy 柸中物 and became 無話不談,千柸少.

For their 50th wedding jubilee, Winnie cut her trip with our grandchildren short rushing back to HK.  Especially we suggested to Captain Ip to have this party 5 years ago when he celebrated his recovered from a two weeks coma, still under doctor’s care and flippantly said OK.   

We, like all revelers there, celebrated their 50 years of happy marriage with fine wine, exquisite food and warm hospitality.  We were impressed by their expression of gratitude for all the blessings received by generously recompensing the society through charity for generations.  We are happy to meet their beautiful children and grandchildren.  As they say, “All the happy families are alike.”  We wished them many more years to come and are looking forward to their 55th celebration.

I attended the party also with a second mindset.  As the reunion coordinator, cannot help but compare this party with our coming reunion Gala Dinner.

I am embarrassed to say that theirs will surpass our Gala Dinner party in many ways. They have close to 150 persons on hand, while we will barely have 50.  They have two hours of cocktail hour with free flow of wine and drinks, and nine different hors d’oeuvres compared with one hour with one drink per person and possibly with some peanuts.  They served a five course Chinese banquet dinner with bird nest soup and other delicacies.  We will have a simple menu of soup, salad, a beef or salmon entry, desert and coffee/tea.   They even arranged buses to take people to MTR station so people can enjoy fine wine with the dinner.  They planned every minute detail and executed with clockwork precision. 

Their daughter 葉穎姍 ( 穎=聰穎 , 姍=姍姍來遲 , 穎姍=本領比較遲露出來), acted as the MC.  If you did not tell me, I would have thought they hired a professional.  The family members performed different music pieces with different instruments, while we only have one person so far agreed to perform at reunion this time.  They showed videos of their life and their generation’s support of charity, but we will have no video.

The most embarrassing is that their event was planned, funded and executed by one family while we have 5 in our planning committee along and funded by 50.

However, their party is a celebratory one, while ours is for classmates to talk to reminisce. 

Hats off to them, meanwhile we need to work harder to make the reunion a success.

photo 1
photo 2
photo 3
photo 4


余濟林 A42


這次到Toronto去得陳達煊 (Alec Chan)的熱心安排,本來早定了六月四日上午和光社同學飲茶;六月五日晚飯。他更安排六月四日下午和台大同學晚敘。到了多倫多的第二天,到Niagara Falls 玩了兩天,回到多市,我妹從紐約飛來相敘; 結果竟忘了光社同學的飲茶約會,害得他們白白等了一回,更替我倆擔心,真是罪過,吾老矣!!!

因我早巳安排和二弟夫婦去加國東部的"海洋三省"數天. 為了補償我的糊塗、過失,只好請求Alec再通知出席的同學我會在六月+三日回多市後回請謝罪,各同學堅持不肯,結果我倆還白騙了一頓。各位,真真對不起!謝謝梁琨太太寄來照片。

六月五日下午先在陳家暢聚, Alec家的陽台風景極佳,躆高臨下,一片青綠,下望高爾夫球場 。當日有梁琨夫婦、李克敬夫婦、許有光遠道而來,還有瑩社老大哥林漢成夫婦,好不熱鬧。謝謝Alec, 琨和克敬招待豐盛晚餐。

Toronto lunch group<.


葉國平 F8


奶水經港,少不了又來一個私人密叙,拙荆再三吩咐,不能狂飲,並叮囑他好好堅監督為要,我當然萬二個承諾。目的旣達,遂施展一招陽奉陰違, 山高皇太后遠,來個先斬後奏。何況森哥雙腿已經康復, 果真飲大兩杯,要他背我上明珠台亦游刃有餘罷!

於是乎有持無恐,開懷暢饮, 務使要他監守自盗, 頓時杯來杯往,談古惜今,十分過㽼。 豈料酒甜耳熱之際,此老頑童老是畧沾唇邊。真過豈有此理,油雞老味! 騙我酒錢,花我肉金,眼見奸計不呈,老羞成怒,只好引"經"據"典",動之以義。


葉國平兄: 敝人有劉玲嗜酒之惡名, 無劉玲之才幹。把森哥喚醒, 曉之以義, 倾飲三杯之重任, 量可勝當。 -- 顧德仁

Live to 99

An Asteroid Named Puiching

Pat Wong